If you are ready to tell your story,
I’d like to hear it.
In Brentwood or Online in California
Everybody but you…
Of course, you’re responsible. You’ve always had to be.
There seemed to always be someone who needed your help, your kind words, your wisdom.
This developed into your feeling responsible for other people’s problems, happiness, health, and safety.
Your problems simply didn’t feel urgent enough.
It started early in life.
Somewhere in childhood you probably learned that it was better to deal with your stuff on your own.
Perhaps you had a loved one/family member with an eating disorder or substance abuse problem. Perhaps you found yourself coping with food, creating your own eating disorder or negative relationship with food and your body.
Or more likely ‘it was just the way it was done.’
Your parents/caregivers didn’t urge you to share what you needed or wanted. This lack of encouragement resulted in your tamping down your wants – but you translated what you wanted to be that person to others.
And you still are.

The voice in your head is relentless.
Telling someone you are hurt or angry or upset invokes fear of making them angry or brings on guilt for being difficult.
You are left with unexpressed emotions, unfulfilled needs, and a punishing critical voice in your head driving you and punishing you at the same time.
It’s time that you had someone in your life who can prioritize you, your feelings, needs, hopes and dreams for the future.
Assertiveness doesn’t have to be scary or awkward. Self-care doesn’t have to feel selfish. Self-compassion doesn’t mean self-indulgent.

Maya Angelou says,
“There is no greater agony than baring an untold story.”
I would like to hear your story and provide a safe space for you to
begin to unburden yourself.
Please complete the contact form below or call me at

Hi, I’m Cori
My clients struggle to express what they want, need, and feel which can impact personal and professional relationships. Some feel anxious or depressed; most struggle with a critical inner voice telling them they will never be good enough. Many have challenges with eating habits or body image or even eating disorders.
I take a collaborative approach in my work with clients. I see myself as the navigator and you as the driver.
From my perspective, it is the parts of us that we are uncomfortable with, even ashamed of, that can stand in the way of having a healthy relationship with ourselves and the world around us. Our work together is to integrate those abandoned parts, so they stop triggering unwanted emotions/behaviors in the background.